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MULTICAST-A MULTIdisCiplinary Approach to prediction and treatment of SuicidaliTy

Samantha  Weber

Samantha Weber, PhD

  • Postdoc

Samantha Weber completed her Master`s degree in Health Science and Technology at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in 2019. She then obtained her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Bern, Switzerland, in 2022, entitled "The Role of Stress in Neuropathophysiological Mechanisms in Functional Neurological Disorders", for which she has been awarded twice. Given her interdisciplinary background, her research interest lies in the identification of multimodal biomarkers for psychiatric disorders and their translation into clinical practice. Within the MULTICAST project, she is dedicated to the development of innovative treatment options aimed at preventing suicidality, by means of multimodal data integration and generative AI to provide personalized and interactive therapeutic support.