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MULTICAST-A MULTIdisCiplinary Approach to prediction and treatment of SuicidaliTy

Journal Articles


Anna Bankwitz

Anna Bankwitz, Annia Rüesch, Atalìa Adank, Christoph Hörnmann, Tania Villar de Araujo, Georgios Schoretsanits, Birgit Kleim, Sebastian Olbrich (2023).

EEG source functional connectivity in patients after a recent suicide attempt

Clinical Neurophysiology 


Stephanie Homan

Stephanie Homan, Marion Gabi, Nina Klee, Sandro Bachmann, Ann-Marie Moser, Martina Duri, Sofia Michel, Anna-Marie Bertram, Anke Maatz, Guido Seiler, Elisabeth Stark, Birgit Kleim (2022).

Linguistic features of suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A systematic review

Clinical Psychology Review 95.