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MULTICAST-A MULTIdisCiplinary Approach to prediction and treatment of SuicidaliTy

Save the date: MULTICAST Kick-off event at the University of Zurich

We are delighted to share with you that we organize the first in-person kick-off meeting on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. During this event, we will present and discuss all projects and themes running within the scope of MULTICAST, exchange with project partners, invited speakers, and distinguished guests, and connect researchers with practitioners in the field of prevention and treatment of suicidality. The symposium will feature invited keynote talks and presentations by MULTICAST junior researchers. We are proud to announce that Elisabeth Stark, Vice President for Research and Professor of Romance Linguistics at the Institute of Romance Studies of the University of Zurich, will hold the welcome speech. The event will be held in English. 

Program of the MULTICAST Kick-Off Event